Our Church

Worship Services and Spiritual Life

St. Gregorios Orthodox Church in Tampa, Florida offers a vibrant spiritual life centered around regular worship and community gatherings. Every Sunday, the morning prayers begin at 8:45 AM, followed by the Holy Qurbana at 9:30 AM. After the Holy Mass, the Sunday School classes commence, nurturing the spiritual growth of the parish’s younger members.

The Holy Qurbana is supported by a large and dedicated group of altar participants who serve faithfully, contributing to the reverence and solemnity of the service. Additionally, the church is blessed with a beautiful choir, whose harmonious singing enriches the worship experience. The choir is led by Sheeba Kochama, whose leadership brings a special grace to the musical aspects of the service.

On Saturdays, the church organizes prayer meetings at the homes of its members, fostering a strong sense of fellowship within the community. Together, these elements create a deeply meaningful and prayerful experience for all who participate.

Alter Assitants