Spiritual Organization
Martha Mariyam Vanitha Samajam
Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam (MMVS) is a prominent spiritual organization within the Malankara Orthodox Church, open to all women aged 18 and above. Founded in 1928 under the patronage of the Late Very Rev. M.C. Kuriakose Ramban and led by Mrs. K.M. Annamma along with her dedicated co-workers, the organization is named in honor of the Blessed Mother Mary, our interceding saint. The primary mission of MMVS is to uplift women both spiritually and socially, fostering Christian values within families, churches, and communities. Through its initiatives, MMVS empowers women to grow in faith and service, contributing to the overall spiritual life of the Church.
The motto of the Samajam since the beginning has been “Pray, Act, and Shine” as Jesus taught us to pray, He asked us to help the needy, and He called us to be “The Light of the World”.
MMVS conducts various activities at Diocese, regional and unit levels under the leadership of His Grace Dr. Thomas Mar Evanios. MMVS organizes annual and regional conferences, talent competitions, Essay competitions, annual exams, Bible & faith study classes, Lentern prayers, continuous Bible readings, Friday fasting prayer through Zoom, charity projects and various other spiritual activities aimed at the spiritual growth of all the ladies.
MMVS in our Church actively participate in all spiritual as well as social activities of the church. Ladies meet regularly and conduct Bible study classes, song practices and other unit activities under the leadership and guidance of our Vicar, Very Rev.Fr. George Paulose Cor Episcopos. Ladies participate in all the activities that are recommended by the Diocese as well. Ladies take lead in annual caroling programs, church prayer meetings, and fund raising programs.
MMVS day is celebrated on the Feast of Dormition of St Mary with songs, speeches, skit etc. Our unit participate and support the charity projects of Diocese by sending money as part of MMVS day collections. All ladies are reminded of having family prayer, observing lent and fast, participating and receiving the Holy Qurbana regularly since they’re are the backbone of the families and thus can influence the spiritual life in the family. All MMVS members are servants in the great ministry of our Church, and are role models to our younger generation. When we come together in humility and dedicate our time and effort for the glory of God, we spread the Christian love and joy and becomes the light for the needy as it says “There’s no small works that are gone unnoticed in the eyes of our God.”

Biji Sanjay